How to prevent hypertension-related ocular complications?

How to prevent hypertension; What is Hypertension?
prevent hypertension: Hypertension is one of the most common problems that can lead to heart disease, kidney failure, stroke, and disruption in the normal functioning of the body.
Statistics show that more than 30% of the world’s adults and more than 1 billion people worldwide have hypertension, and these numbers remind us how important it can be to know how to prevent hypertension and its symptoms.
But what are the causes of hypertension and what is the best home treatment to prevent hypertension?

What is blood pressure?
Blood pressure is critical for being alive, and it rises when large arteries lose their elasticity and natural strength and small vessels become narrower,
High blood pressure or hypertension is sometimes called the silent killer because it often has no symptoms until the late stages.
Blood pressure rises naturally due to stress and physical activity, but a person with hypertension has a higher blood pressure than normal when resting and this is the importance of prevent hypertension.

prevent hypertension; When does Hypertension occurs?
Hypertension occurs when blood pressure rises to a dangerous level. Blood pressure measurement calculates the amount of blood passing through the blood vessels and the resistance of the vessels to the blood during the heartbeat.
Narrow arteries increase resistance. The narrower the arteries, the higher the blood pressure. Increased pressure in the long term can cause problems including cardiovascular diseases and stroke.
It would be great to prevent hypertension, Hypertension usually develops over several years and is usually asymptomatic; But even without symptoms, it can damage blood vessels and organs, especially the brain, heart, eyes, and kidneys.
To prevent hypertension, Early detection of this, is important. Regular blood pressure readings can help you and your doctor detect changes. If your blood pressure is elevated, your doctor may check your blood pressure for several weeks to see if it stays high or returns to normal.
Hypertension treatment includes medication and healthy lifestyle changes. If Hypertension is not treated, it can lead to diseases such as heart attack and stroke. In the table below, you can see the range of normal blood pressure to high and critical blood pressure.
less than 130/80 mmHg |
Normal blood pressure |
130 to 139, or diastolic blood pressure between 80 and 89 mm Hg |
Hypertension stage 1 (mild) |
90/140 mmHg or higher |
Hypertension stage 2 (moderate) |
120/180 mmHg or higher |
Hypertension stage 3 (critical) |
How to prevent hypertension; What are the symptoms of Hypertension?
To prevent hypertension, we should notice that Hypertension is a silent disease. Many people have no symptoms. Symptoms of Hypertension may take years or even decades to appear. Even then, the symptoms of Hypertension may be attributed to other causes.
Diagnosing Hypertension can prevent heart problems to a great extent.
To prevent hypertension, Symptoms include:
- Headache
- Shortness of breath
- Nosebleed
- hot flashes
- dizziness
- Chest pain
- Vision changes
- The presence of blood in the urine
These symptoms require immediate medical attention. These symptoms do not occur in all people with Hypertension, but experiencing these symptoms repeatedly may lead to serious health risks.
The best way to know if you have blood pressure and prevent hypertension is to measure your blood pressure regularly. Most doctors measure blood pressure at every visit. If you only get annual checkups, talk to your doctor about the risks of Hypertension and other measures that may help you monitor your blood pressure.
For example, if you have a family history of heart disease or risk factors for heart disease, your doctor may recommend that you check your blood pressure twice a year which helps to prevent Hypertension.

How to prevent hypertension; What factors lead to an increase in blood pressure?
Learning about types of hypertension may help to Prevent Hypertension. There are two types of hypertension and each has a different cause. In the following, you can learn about the types of blood pressure and the factors that lead to the occurrence of blood pressure.
Prevent Hypertension; Primary pressure
Primary hypertension is also called essential hypertension. This type of Hypertension occurs over time without any specific reason. Most people have this type of Hypertension. Researchers still do not know what mechanisms cause the gradual increase in blood pressure. A set of factors may play an important role. These factors include:
- Genes
Some people are genetically predisposed to Hypertension. It may be caused by gene mutations or genetic abnormalities that are passed down from parents to children.
- Physical changes
Sometimes a physical change in the body may cause problems throughout the body.
Hypertension can be one of these problems. For example, it is thought that changes in kidney function due to aging can disrupt the natural balance of salts and fluids in the body. This change may lead to an increase in blood pressure.
- Environment
Unhealthy lifestyles such as lack of physical activity and poor diet can take a toll on the body over time. Some lifestyles can lead to weight gain. Being overweight or obese can increase your risk of developing Hypertension.
- Secondary hypertension
Secondary hypertension often occurs quickly and can be more severe than primary hypertension. Several diseases that may contribute to secondary hypertension include:
- kidney disease
- Obstructive sleep apnea
- Congenital heart defects
- Thyroid problems
- Side effects of drugs
- drug use
- Abuse or chronic use of alcohol
- Adrenal gland problems
- Some endocrine tumors

Diagnosis of Hypertension
Diagnosing Hypertension to prevent Hypertension is as simple as taking a blood pressure measurement. Most doctors check blood pressure as part of a routine visit. If your blood pressure is not measured by the doctor at the next visit, you can ask for it.
If your blood pressure is high, your doctor may want to measure it several times over a few days or weeks and ask you to check your Hypertension more carefully. It is rare for a doctor to make a diagnosis of Hypertension after just one reading.
The doctor needs to see evidence of a persistent problem. Sometimes Hypertension in the office can be caused by the environment, for example, the stress of being in the doctor’s office can play a role in increasing blood pressure. Also, blood pressure levels change throughout the day.
In the case of Hypertension, the doctor will probably perform more tests to find underlying diseases in addition to checking the symptoms of Hypertension. These tests can include the following:
- Urinalysis
- Cholesterol screening and other blood tests
- Testing the heart’s electrical activity with an electrocardiogram (EKG, sometimes called ECG)
- Ultrasound of the heart or kidneys
These tests can help the doctor diagnose secondary problems caused by Hypertension. In addition, they can examine the effects of increased blood pressure on the organs.
During this time, the doctor may start high-pressure treatment. Early treatment may reduce the risk of permanent damage.

Prevent Hypertension; How to measure blood pressure?
When measuring blood pressure, two numbers are recorded:
- Systolic pressure
This number is the first or upper number and indicates the pressure of the arteries when the heart beats and pumps blood into the arteries.
- Diastolic pressure
This number is the second or lower number and it is the pressure of the arteries between heartbeats.
Five categories define blood pressure readings for adults:
- Healthy
Healthy blood pressure is less than 120.80 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).
- increased
The systolic value is between 120 and 129 mm Hg, and the diastolic value is less than 80 mm Hg. Doctors usually do not treat Hypertension with medication, instead they may recommend lifestyle changes to help lower blood pressure.
- High pressure stage one
A systolic value is between 130 and 139 mmHg, or a diastolic value is between 80 and 89 mmHg.
- Second stage high pressure
The systolic value is 140 mm Hg or higher, or the diastolic value is 90 mm Hg or higher.
- Critical pressure
The systolic value is more than 180 mm Hg, or the diastolic value is more than 120 mm Hg. Blood pressure in this range requires immediate medical attention. In case of occurring symptoms such as chest pain, headache, shortness of breath or vision changes while Hypertension, emergency medical care is required.

Blood pressure is measured by a sphygmomanometer. Wearing the armband correctly is very important for an accurate reading. Improper placement of the cuff may show the wrong blood pressure number.
Blood pressure measurement is different in children and adolescents. If you want to check their blood pressure, ask the doctor to use the appropriate cuffs for your child.
Treatment of Hypertension
Several factors help the nephrologist in choosing the best treatment method. These factors include the type of hypertension and the identified causes.
Prevent hypertension; Primary hypertension treatment
If early hypertension is detected by the doctor, lifestyle changes may help to reduce it.
If lifestyle changes alone weren’t enough, and home remedies didn’t make a difference in a person’s blood pressure, doctors may prescribe medication to treat it.

Treatment of secondary hypertension
If it is determined that another underlying disease is the cause of Hypertension, the treatment will be focused on these diseases. For example, if starting a medication causes Hypertension, the doctor will try other medications that do not have this side effect.
Sometimes, Hypertension persists despite treating the underlying cause. In such a case, the doctor may lower your blood pressure by helping you to change your lifestyle and prescribing medication.
Hypertension treatment programs are often under development. A treatment that was effective at first may become less effective over time. Your doctor will continue to work with you to improve the treatment process.
In many people, the prescription of blood pressure medications is subject to trial and error. You may need to try different medications to find one, or a combination, that works.
To diagnose blood pressure and prescribe medicine, the doctor must control the patient’s blood pressure for some time, and then the medicine is used according to the patient’s condition.
Some of the drugs used in the treatment of Hypertension are:
- Beta blockers
Beta blockers cause the heart to work more slowly and with less force. This lowers blood pressure by reducing the amount of blood that is pumped through the arteries with each beat. In addition, these drugs block certain hormones in the body that can cause Hypertension.
- Diuretics
High levels of sodium and excess fluid in the body can increase blood pressure. Diuretics, also called water pills, help the kidneys remove excess sodium from the body. By excreting sodium, the excess liquid in the bloodstream is transferred to the urine, and this helps lower blood pressure.
- ACE inhibitors
Angiotensin is a chemical that causes contraction and narrowing of blood vessels and the walls of arteries. ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors prevent the body from producing more of this chemical. This helps to relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure.
- Angiotensin-2 receptor blockers (ARBs)
While ACE inhibitors inhibit angiotensin synthesis, ARBs prevent angiotensin from binding to its receptor. Without this chemical, blood vessels cannot constrict. This is effective in relaxing blood vessels and lowering blood pressure.
Calcium channel blockers
These drugs prevent some calcium from entering the heart muscle cells. This process leads to a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure. These drugs also affect blood vessels and cause them to relax and lower blood pressure.
- Alpha-2 agonists
This type of drug changes the nerve impulses that cause blood vessels to constrict. This helps in relaxing the blood vessels and subsequently lowers the blood pressure.

How to prevent hypertension; Home remedies for Hypertension?
Healthy lifestyle can help control the factors that cause Hypertension. Here are some of the most common home remedies for Hypertension.
1. Create a healthy diet
A healthy diet is very important in helping to reduce Hypertension; In addition, it is also important in controlling Hypertension and reducing the risk of complications. These complications include heart disease, stroke and heart attack.
For home treatment of Hypertension, it is better to use healthy and useful foods in your diet. Below are some of the best foods for Hypertension.
- Fruits
- fresh vegetables
- Whole grains
- Lean proteins such as fish
- Consuming more legumes
- Consumption of low-fat milk and dairy products

2. Increase physical activity
Achieving a healthy weight requires more physical activity. Exercising, in addition to its role in weight loss, can help reduce stress, naturally lower blood pressure, and strengthen the cardiovascular system.
Doing 150 minutes of light physical activity each week can help control blood pressure and overall health. It is better to do this amount of physical activity in 5 periods of 30 minutes a week.

3. Reach a healthy weight
If you are overweight or obese, losing weight through a heart-healthy diet and increased physical activity can help lower blood pressure. To lose weight, it is better to change your lifestyle and use healthy foods and be more physically active.
4. stress management
Exercise is a very good way to manage stress, and stress is one of the main factors in increasing blood pressure. Try to de-stress in any way you can. In the following, you can learn about effective strategies for managing stress and anxiety.
- meditation
- deep breathing
- massage
- muscle relaxation
- yoga or tai chi
- enough sleep

5. Adopt a clean lifestyle
If you are a smoker, try to quit. The chemicals in tobacco smoke damage body tissues and harden the walls of blood vessels.
If you usually drink a lot of alcohol or are addicted to alcohol, try to reduce or quit it. Alcohol can raise blood pressure.
To manage or prevent Hypertension and headache naturally without medication, it is better to have a healthier lifestyle and pay more attention to your health.

Solutions to prevent Hypertension
In the rest of the article, some solutions to prevent Hypertension are provided:
The first solution: follow a healthy diet
A healthy diet is the main foundation of your health. If you are suffering from Hypertension, it is necessary to have ingredients in your food basket that help lower blood pressure.
Foods that are low in sodium and high in potassium prevent Hypertension. When you buy food packages, take a look at the ingredients of that food package. If it is high in sodium, it may not be suitable for your blood pressure, so our advice to you is:
- Avoid excessive consumption of red meat.
- Eat fruits and vegetables daily.
- Be sure to eat dairy products, but make sure that they are low-fat.
- Stay away from fast food as much as you can.
- Eat less food rich in salt and spices.

The second solution: reduce salt consumption
This is a serious warning for you. When there is salt on the table, even if your food is tasty and has enough salt, you still tend to take the salt shaker and pour salt on the food and side dishes next to the main dish.
Sprinkling salt on your food without purpose and out of habit means that you are used to preparing yourself for Hypertension every day at every meal. Please do not bring the salt shaker to the table and avoid sprinkling too much salt on the food.

The third solution: It is forbidden to consume a lot of caffeine
If you are one of the people who drink too much tea and strong coffee every day, you may have noticed that sometimes after consuming such drinks, you feel heart palpitations and hot flashes.
Caffeine can temporarily increase blood pressure and lead to Hypertension.
It is recommended that you reduce your daily caffeine intake and avoid any drink or food that has high caffeine content.

The fourth solution: Control your stress and anxiety
Today’s lives are full of events that cause a degree of stress and anxiety in such a way that sometimes your stress, anxiety, and fears disturb your life. Stress and anxiety cause Hypertension.
You are recommended to be optimistic, do yoga and meditation, have regular exercise, and do anything that makes you calm and decreases your stress.
By controlling stress and anxiety, you have taken an important step in preventing Hypertension.

The fifth solution: Lose weight with a plan
If weight loss is done with a proper and regular plan, it not only prevents the disease of Hypertension but also prevents the occurrence of many diseases.
It is interesting to know that if you are not currently suffering from Hypertension and you have a good diet plan, the risk of developing Hypertension will decrease significantly.
If you currently suffer from Hypertension and are taking medication, losing weight will make your anti-hypertensive medications more effective and reduce your need for anti-hypertensive medications.
Keep in mind that weight loss should be monitored by a medical consultant in order to reach an ideal weight and improve your physical and mental health.

The sixth solution: doing daily exercises
By doing sports regularly according to a plan, you help keep your cardiovascular system healthy. Dedicating 30 minutes a day to simple sports such as walking and running would be an important step in preventing Hypertension.
You don’t have to exercise for half an hour non-stop. You can divide it into three ten-minute sessions during the day.
Seventh solution: monthly schedule for measuring blood pressure
It is recommended to have a monthly schedule for measuring your blood pressure. If you have a family history of Hypertension, please take this advice more seriously.
Suitable diet for people with Hypertension
One of the easiest ways to treat Hypertension and prevent possible complications is to follow a suitable diet. What you eat can help relieve or eliminate Hypertension.
Here are some of the most common dietary recommendations for people with Hypertension.
1. Eat less meat and more herbs
A plant-based diet is an easy way to increase fiber and reduce sodium and unsaturated and trans fat. Increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables, leafy vegetables, and whole grains. Choose healthy lean proteins such as fish, chicken, or tofu instead of red meat.

2. Reduce the amount of sodium in your diet
People with Hypertension and those at risk of heart disease may need to keep their sodium intake between 1,500 mg and 2,300 mg per day. Most of the time, the best way to reduce sodium is to cook fresh foods. Avoid eating processed food or pre-made meals, which are generally very high in sodium.
3. Minimize the consumption of sweets
Sugary foods and drinks are high in calories and have no nutritional value. If you want something sweet, try fresh fruit or some dark chocolate that isn’t too sweet. Valid research sources show that regular consumption of dark chocolate lowers blood pressure.

Hypertension during pregnancy
Women with Hypertension can give birth to healthy babies despite having these conditions. But these conditions can be dangerous for both the mother and the child if not monitored and controlled during pregnancy.
Hypertension in women can cause side effects. For example, pregnant women with Hypertension may experience a severe decrease in kidney function. Babies born to mothers with Hypertension usually have low birth weight or are born prematurely.
Some women may develop Hypertension during pregnancy. Various problems related to Hypertension can occur. This disease usually resolves itself after the birth of the baby.
Hypertension during pregnancy may increase the risk of developing Hypertension later in life. Hypertension during pregnancy can be dangerous for the fetus and the health of the mother.
In some cases, pregnant women with Hypertension may develop preeclampsia during pregnancy. This condition can cause complications in the kidneys and other organs. This condition can lead to increased protein levels in the urine, liver function problems, fluid build-up in the lungs, or vision problems.
As this situation worsens, the risks that threaten the mother and the baby increase. Preeclampsia can lead to eclampsia, which leads to seizures. Hypertension during pregnancy is one of the leading causes of maternal death in the United States. Its negative effects on the baby include low birth weight, premature delivery and stillbirth.
There is no way to prevent preeclampsia, and the only way to treat the disease is to deliver the baby. If this disease occurs during pregnancy, after consultation with a gynecologist, the person will be fully monitored for complications.

What are the effects of Hypertension on the body?
Because Hypertension is often a silent disease, it can damage the body for years before symptoms become apparent. If left untreated, it can cause serious or even fatal complications. Complications of hypertension include:
1. Arterial Damage
Healthy arteries are flexible and strong. Blood flows freely and unhindered in healthy arteries and veins. Hypertension causes the arteries to contract and harden and reduce their elasticity. This damage facilitates the deposition of food fats in the vessels and reduces blood flow. This damage can lead to an increase in blood pressure, blockage, and eventually heart attack and stroke.
2. Heart Damage
Hypertension makes the heart work harder. Increased pressure in the blood vessels puts more pressure on the heart muscles. This may cause an enlarged heart. An enlarged heart increases the risk of:
- Heart failure
- arrhythmia
- Sudden cardiac death
- heart attack

3. Brain Damage
The brain relies on oxygen-rich blood to function properly.
Hypertension can reduce blood supply to the brain:
- A temporary blockage of blood flow to the brain is called a transient ischemic attack (TIA).
- Significant blockage of blood flow causes brain cells to die. This process is known as stroke.
Uncontrolled blood pressure may affect memory and the ability to learn, remember, speak, and reason. Hypertension treatment usually does not reverse or reverse the effects of uncontrolled hypertension. But it can prevent these problems from occurring in the future.

When should you see a doctor for Hypertension?
If you have Hypertension, you should visit your doctor regularly. If your blood pressure does not go down, it indicates another reason for your Hypertension.
If you notice any of the following symptoms, see a doctor immediately:
- blurred vision
- fatigue
- nausea
- confused
- Shortness of breath
The above may be symptoms of another problem or negative side effects of drugs. In this case, you may need to be prescribed another drug that has fewer side effects.
However, there are other cases that you should talk to your doctor about, such as:
- If you see any of the symptoms of blood pressure that we mentioned at the beginning of the article.
- If your body does not respond to the medicine prescribed for pressure and you still have Hypertension.
- If your blood pressure medication has side effects (if this happens, your doctor may need to change the dose or prescribe a different medication).
If your blood pressure is 120 over 80, wait five minutes and measure your blood pressure again. If there is no change, make sure to visit a doctor).