Best Micronutrients for eye health

Best Micronutrients for eye health
Micronutrients are essential elements that usually required in small quantities to preserve health in humans. Below is the list of some sort of Best Micronutrients for eye health that are used in our products.

Bilberry / Copper / Grape seed extract / L-Glutathione / Lutein / Quercetin / Vitamin C / Vitamin E / Zeaxanthin / Zinc
Best Micronutrients for Eye Health; Bilberry and its eye health benefits
As one of the Best Micronutrients for eye health, Bilberry and Bilberry extract are recommended as dietary supplements to help reduce the risk of macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is an irreversible condition that occurs when the macula, the central part of the retina, deteriorates.
Chemicals found that bilberry leaves can help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Blueberry leaves contain chemicals called flavonoids. Some researchers believe that flavonoids improve blood circulation in people with diabetes. Blood circulation problems may result in damaging the retina, so they should be prevented.
• Circulation problems (chronic venous insufficiency)
Early research suggests that taking 173 milligrams of Bilberry extract for 30 days reduces symptoms associated with a circulation problem called chronic venous insufficiency (CVI).
Bilberry extract contains special chemicals called anthocyanins. Other research shows that taking 480-100 mg of Bilberry anthocyanin for 6 months may improve swelling, pain, bruising, and burning associated with CVI.
• Retinal problems in people with diabetes or high blood pressure (retinopathy).
Bilberry contains a large amount of a special chemical called anthocyanosides. Eating Bilberry improves retinal problems associated with diabetes or high blood pressure.
• diabetes
According to research on men with type 2 diabetes, taking a capsule of Bilberry extract before performing an oral glucose tolerance test can lower blood glucose levels.
• eye strain
Preliminary research shows that taking a combination of lutein and Bilberry extract is effective in reducing dry eyes, back pain, shoulder stiffness, and headaches in people with eye strain.

Best Micronutrients for Eye Health; Copper and its eye health benefits
Copper is a vital mineral needed to maintain good health. Although copper is only needed in small amounts, it plays a very important role in the body. Maintaining proper levels of copper in the body is critical because lack or excess of it can disrupt health. Copper is found in a variety of enzyme systems, although it is mainly found in the liver, brain, bones, and muscles.
Copper has many health benefits, including improving eye health and helping prevent the progression of age-related macular degeneration. Copper acts as an antioxidant. So, it reinforces the development of flexible connective tissue for the proper structure of the eye. It is connected with zinc and these two must complement each other. Copper is added to eye formulas to prevent
copper-deficiency anemia, which can occur when excessive amounts of zinc are consumed.
Related Article: age-related macular degeneration

Best Micronutrients for Eye Health; Grape seed extract and its eye health benefits
The grape seed extract is an industrial derivative of grape seed. The grape seed extract is associated with a wide range of health benefits and is rich in antioxidants and oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes.
Some experts believe that grape seed extract can even have anti-cancer and cancer prevention potential and it is also one of the Best Micronutrients for eye health. In recent years, a lot of research has been done on the possible therapeutic properties of grape seed extract. Below are some of the key findings.
• Wound healing
The grape seed extract has the potential to increase the speed of wound healing. To investigate its effect, proanthocyanidin extract was placed on the back wounds of mice. It was observed that this solution accelerates wound healing in mice.
• Improve bone strength
Including grape seed extract in your diet with calcium is effective for bone formation and bone strength to treat bone weakness caused by low calcium levels.
• Prevention of skin cancer
Grape seeds contain proanthocyanidins, which may prevent the development of cancer.
To investigate this further, the research team tested the ability of grape seed proanthocyanidins to slow skin tumor formation using hairless mice.
The protective nature of proanthocyanidins is carried out through various methods such as reducing oxidative stress and suppressing the immune system and changing the activity of cytokines.
• Cardiovascular benefits
The grape seed extract contains antioxidants that can potentially protect blood vessels from damage. This process prevents high blood pressure.

Best Micronutrients for Eye Health; L-Glutathione and its eye health benefit
One of the Best Micronutrients for eye health is Glutathione (GSH) which is a critical antioxidant for body function. This antioxidant has a very high power to deal with oxidative stress and destroy free radicals.
As an antioxidant, glutathione attacks free radicals in the eye. This is especially beneficial for patients with diabetic retinopathy. A balanced level of glutathione reduces the risk of retinal cell damage and vision loss.
It may seem that this antioxidant is something similar to other well-known antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E, but you should note that, unlike most antioxidants, glutathione can be produced in the body. It is only enough that the required raw materials are available to the body so that it can produce this antioxidant.
The lack of this antioxidant can increase the body’s sensitivity to oxidative stress. Many dangerous diseases are caused by oxidative stress in the body. Diseases such as cancer, heart disease, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s are among the most famous diseases caused by increased oxidative stress.
Related Article: Vision Loss; Prevention and diagnosis

Effects of glutathione on body health
It helps to detoxify the body. It neutralizes the effects and toxins caused by the use of drugs and toxic substances.
• Helps liver health.
• It can reduce the risk of diabetes.
• Contributes to the general health of the brain
• It helps the health of the intestines
• It is useful for kidney health
• Prevents lung diseases
Some of the benefits of glutathione are as follows:
1. Helps in the treatment and prevention of diabetes
Decreasing the level of this antioxidant in the body can reduce the sensitivity of cells to insulin and increase the possibility of type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes reduces glutathione and increases free radicals and oxidative stress in the body and can increase the risk of heart disease and cancer.
2. Helps eye health
Glaucoma and cataracts are common eye problems that can lead to complete blindness in some cases. Increasing the level of glutathione by reducing the body’s oxidative stress can reduce the possibility of their occurrence and protect the eyes.
Related Article: cataract
3. Helps treat infections
Infections that increase inflammation in the body cause a sharp increase in oxidative stress in the body and greatly increase the consumption of glutathione. In many chronic infectious diseases, there is a risk of reducing glutathione levels.
If the level of this antioxidant in the body decreases, the immune cells lose their ability to fight infections. Drugs that stimulate the production of glutathione in the body can be used to treat chronic infections.
The body of AIDS patients produces very little glutathione which reduces the strength of the immune system. In these patients, due to the reduction of this important antioxidant, the cells of the body are less sensitive to insulin, and the possibility of diabetes increases.
Some research has indicated that increasing the level of this antioxidant in the body of AIDS patients can reduce the risk of bacterial infections.
4. Helps with mental health
Research has shown that people with depression usually have low glutathione levels. Also, in some animal studies, it has been found that taking supplements containing glutathione can reduce the symptoms of depression.
People with schizophrenia also usually have low glutathione levels. N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) increases glutathione in the brain and reduces the symptoms of schizophrenia.
In people with obsessive-compulsive disorder, there is usually a very high amount of free radicals in parts of the brain, which can be due to the decreased level of glutathione in that area. Increasing the level of this antioxidant in that area can reduce the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Some research has shown that some medications used to treat bipolar disorder may help improve and stabilize a person’s mood by increasing glutathione levels.